An Incomplete Journey…

I left you alone in this crowd…
closed my eyes & screamed aloud…
No one to stop me.,nobody to answer..
Wish you could be there..wipe my tears & hold me closer…

There was a time when I used to are my everything & I’ll never let you go away…
Time changed and circumstances too..
I lost my everything in a minute or two…

Difficult to express how the feeling was..cursing my fate I did what I was asked…
Words remained unspoken and feelings unexpressed..
Wish you could understand my heart so depressed..

Felt as if it was my biggest sin.. broke the heart were I lived in…. Never thought to spoil one’s life.,but ended committing that crime…

You were in the state worst than me..broken heart which was difficult to heal…
Making an attempt I tried to speak..
listening to your voice.,tears filled my eyes…

You may ignore..God may forgive…
But I can never be the one who can RELIVE…

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